Event-Planning Worksheet

As a campaign planner, it can be challenging to connect and engage with the audience before, during, and after an event. Organizers often get worn out.

The process is a bit easier with this worksheet.

In 2015, Office of Digital Strategy Chief of Staff, Clay Dumas, asked Ashleigh Axios to craft a one-page worksheet to focus the team’s campaign and event planning. The co-designed worksheet centers planning around key goals and opportunities, specific audiences, and ways to maximize exposure and audience engagement before, during, and after the event.

Kept to one page, the sheet is a means to summarize activity operationalized elsewhere.

The worksheet also connects pre- and post-event activities to influencers or partners who align in values and audience with the goal of the event. In Obama White House cases, these were often fellow staffers, external platforms, or celebrity influencers passionate about the topic. This helped The Office of Digital Strategy share the work pre- and post-event, maintain team energy and follow through, and also made each event more inclusive and collaborative.

Roadmap Through the Moment Worksheet

Example useS

Planning the Papal Visit with the worksheet. This is one team member’s early draft, not the final event planning sheet for the Office of Digital Strategy.

Planning the Papal Visit with the worksheet. This is one team member’s early draft, not the final event planning sheet for the Office of Digital Strategy.

Planning a New Orleans visit with the worksheet. This is one team member’s early draft, not the final event planning sheet.

Planning a New Orleans visit with the worksheet. This is one team member’s early draft, not the final event planning sheet.

Use and Share the Worksheet

This resource was made by U.S. government employees who were paid with taxpayer dollars. It belongs to the people. Please put it to good use.


The White House



  • Clay Dumas: internal client; developed initial concept

  • Ashleigh Axios: art direction, design, copy