Ashleigh created the rainbow White House iconography and visual system, celebrating the historic Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage across the U.S. in a way that allowed for mass public participation in Washington, DC and across the globe. Much of the content went viral, receiving millions of views each within the first twenty four hours, resulting in the most-retweeted White House animated GIF, most shared White House Facebook avatar, and most shared White House video until that point in time.
The above tweet sent by President Obama garnered 160,000 retweets and 120,000 favorites within an hour.
“The White House was lit to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world. The pride colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and tonight, these colors celebrate a new chapter in the history of American civil rights.”
We amplified the lighting of the White House across White House social channels through photos, a live stream of the sun going down (allowing the lights to shine brighter), and in a time-lapse video.
Social Feedback Highlights
The White House
June 17-25, 2015
June 26, 2015
Jeff Tiller
Valerie Jarrett
Aditi Hardikar
Ashleigh Axios: creative direction, design
Alex Wall: social strategy, social media language
Adam Garber: livestream and video
James Hobbs: social design support
Jillian Maryonovich: social design support & homepage hero design
Pete Souza: photography
Chuck Kennedy: photography
Lindsay Holst: copywriting, web form
Tanya Somanader: copywriting, blog
David Hudson: copywriting, email
Kori Shulman
Jason Goldman