Writing and Editorial
Table of Contents
Written by Ashleigh
‘The American public needs us now more than ever’: Government designers steel for regime change
Design Observer, November 26
“What struck me then, as it does now, is the unflinching drive that so many government designers share to serve our true constituents — the American public — even in the face of upheaval.”
“As our government responds to the call and increasingly shifts toward designing and delivering services in a manner that people of all abilities can navigate, it must also work to understand the needs of the full diversity of its audiences. ”
Coforma Design Focus: A New Name and Logo
Coforma (formerly &Partners), Oct 21
co-written with Angela Palm and Arden KlemmerCoforma Named a Finalist in Fast Company’s 2020 Innovation by Design Awards.
Coforma (formerly &Partners), Oct 1&Partners Changes Its Name to Coforma
Coforma (formerly &Partners), Sept 29Distributed by Design
Coforma (formerly &Partners), May 29
with contributions from Sona ChaudharyWe’re Craving Access to Culture During COVID-19 and Museums Can Help
Coforma (formerly &Partners), May 5
“Companies are realizing some of the same things we [at Coforma] did in structuring our business: remote companies pass myriad benefits along to employers, employees, clients, and the environment. With pros ranging from lower overhead costs to a lower carbon footprint helping curb the environmental effects physical offices have on the planet, it makes sense to seriously consider a distributed workforce as a way to help build a better future.”
Growing Your Blog’s Audience & Increasing Engagement
Automattic Design, January 15
“We need to shift the focus of some of the most talented designers away from things that are already working pretty well but serve a few people, to the things that are badly broken that affect entire communities and cultures.”
Holiday Book List: For the Serenity-seeker and the Problem-solver
Design Observer (with Sean Adams), December 6Steal This: How to Run a Meeting 101
Leadfully, October 18
(Online publication no longer available)Part 2: To Be a Design-Led Company
Automattic Design, September 22To Be a Design-Led Company
Automattic Design, July 31
reposted to Design Observer, August 10Designing Better Conversations Online
TechCrunch, June 17Design's Exclusion Problem
TechCrunch, May 14A Standards Manual Reprinted With a New Purpose
Design Observer, April 24
“No amount of discrete design work or collaboration toward system-based solutions will adjust a culture on its own. Effective changes to culture require collaborating with stakeholders and major influencers.”
Four Leadership Tips from the White House
Design.blog, October 6
How We Changed the White House Blog
WhiteHouse.gov, August 13Get Your 2014 Federal Taxpayer Receipt
WhiteHouse.gov, April 15In Photos: The President’s Trip to Jamaica and Panama
WhiteHouse.gov, April 13WhiteHouse.gov Is Evolving With You in Mind
WhiteHouse.gov, April 9In Pictures: The White House Easter Egg Roll
WhiteHouse.gov, April 7For Presidents’ Day, We Made You Some Pages
WhiteHouse.gov, February 15The 2016 Budget: How We’re Using New Open Government Tools
ghost written for WhiteHouse.gov, February 1Remind You of Someone? You Should Share These
WhiteHouse.gov, January 27The Enhanced 2015 State of the Union: By the Numbers
co-ghost written for WhiteHouse.gov, January 21Enhancing the 2015 State of the Union: Announcing Our 'River of Content'
ghost written for WhiteHouse.gov, January 19Get Ready: President Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address
WhiteHouse.gov, January 11
“Our design and development teams here at the White House have been using this model for several years, and we are part of a growing trend within the government – now being led in part by the efforts of groups like GSA’s 18F and the U.S. Digital Service, who are also looking to recruit talented design, development, and digitally-savvy problem solvers to do meaningful work solving problems within the United States government.”
The Year in Review: A Look Back at the Most Memorable Moments of 2014
WhiteHouse.gov, December 29Welcome to the White House: Then and Now
WhiteHouse.gov, October 24Opening the People's House
WhiteHouse.gov, September 15The Most Accessible and Interactive SOTU Yet
co-ghost written for WhiteHouse.gov, January 27
Introducing White House Shareables
ghost written for WhiteHouse.gov, September 26
Editorial Direction or Support by Ashleigh
Coforma Design Focus: Intentional Fonts and Typography
by Arden Klemmer for Coforma
November 6
It’s Time to Define What “Good” Means in Our Industry
by George Aye of Greater Good Studio for Design Observer
March 14
“Good design honors reality.
Good design creates ownership.
Good design builds power.”
Automattic’s Matt Mullenweg on Facing Exclusion in Design With Actions
by Amy S. Choi of The Mashup Americans
with TechCrunch Editorial Director, Henry Pickavet
July 3Facing Exclusion With Data
by Amy S. Choi of The Mashup Americans
with TechCrunch Editorial Director, Henry Pickavet
May 31Exclusionary Design: Asking a New Question
opinion piece by Ivana McConnell for Design Observer
April 20Remix, Repeat, and Rediscover: Amplifying the Impact in Art and Music Through Change
essay by Lawrence Azerrad for Design Observer
April 6Singing in Arabic
essay by Nadine Chahine for Design Observer
March 31
“We, both Americans and Arabs of all creeds and professions, need to have an open heart that is willing to listen. And we really need this dialogue to take place. We fear that which we do not know. And if we really want a way out of the turmoil that keeps escalating, we need to make the effort to know one another, to engage in open and respectful conversation. ”
Creative Will: What It Takes to Shift Creative Organizations and Industries Toward Greater Racial Equity
essay by De Andrea Nichols for Design Observer
December 16
“As we exist in a nation plagued with race-based injustice, violence, and oppression, adopting a racial equity lens to creative practice serves as a critical avenue by which these systems and dynamics can be addressed.”
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